Husky Artists Continue to Expand Their Artistic Abilities Despite COVID-19

By Jerry Gao, Deputy Editor

With virtual learning and shortened classes, art students at Flint Hill are inevitably having a more challenging school year. Such difficulties can be shown in all forms of art, with the cancellation of Empty Bowls and the Visual Arts Show earlier this year, and now, with the upcoming school plays. However, the art department has created innovative ways to make this school year more suitable and exciting for Husky artists.

Recently, filmmaking students participated in a private Q&A session with Guardians of the Galaxy and Gilmore Girls Actor Sean Gunn. This opportunity was created by Upper School Digital Arts Teacher Catherine Huber, who thought it would be a great way to make up for the loss created from distance learning, as filmmaking is a class that requires lots of hands-on activities. 

When asked about his experience with the Q&A session, senior and aspiring film director Rowan Kelley said, “Sean Gunn is a very talented actor. It was an honor to ask him questions and get a peek behind the scenes of how the film industry works. From our class conversation with Sean, I learned so much that it’s hard to pinpoint one aspect that’s the most important. Still, one of the most valuable insights that I learned from him was the process of entering the film industry, like getting an agent, for example. These little details are important, especially if you are interested in entering the film industry one day. Sean Gunn shared a lot of insights, and I am grateful to have this opportunity.” 

Another art class that calls for a lot of hands-on activities is ceramics. Currently, the ceramics students are learning how to throw bowls when they have in-person school. Upper School Fine Arts Teacher Julia Cardone said, “The energy in the studio is up! It feels so good to see everyone getting into their work!” With the safety protocols in place, nothing is stopping them from expressing themselves through clay. However, the classes may feel shorter, considering the sizable amount of time required to get ready and clean up. 

Students in Art II also have exciting opportunities. They are currently engaging in their first at-home project, where they were tasked with creating realistic self-portraits. The emphasis in their first unit is color theory, material, and form. Therefore, they started with photographs composed of reflective surfaces that distort the visual elements. Then, they drew the portraits using Prismacolor pencils on toned paper. Their unique artworks are posted on the “flinthillfinearts” Instagram for all to enjoy, almost making up for the loss of displaying them in the school hallways. 

Although the current situation is not ideal, Husky artists strive to have a successful and productive year, whether it’s learning virtually or in-person. Many students are currently planning on possible future art events to resemble the typical school year we once had. Filmmaking students are working with theater students to produce a video version of The Nutcracker, and Student Council members just proposed the idea of having virtual Open Mics on Wednesdays. With the strength and mindset of Husky artists, we will power through this year with colors and creativity!