Flint Hill Fine Arts Winter Concerts; unifying our community and growing school spirit


By Caroline Lloyd, Section Editor

As winter break approaches, Flint Hills fine arts department is kicking off the holiday season with the annual winter concerts. The winter concert series consists of four performances combining students into a choir, band, orchestra, or percussion ensemble. There is excitement in the air with winter break just around the corner, and the annual tradition only adds to it. The school’s fine arts department becomes more unified through the winter concerts, impacting the sense of community.

During these performances, students display their talent and share the music they have worked hard to prepare throughout the semester. In the time leading up to the concerts, the students work together outside class to perfect their musical pieces. The shows bring together students from different art classes and ages, including grades seventh through twelfth. Each show consists of songs of different genres, including many other holidays. 

As a member of the Flint Hill Chorus, I know we look forward to performing fun activities like socializing and having dinner together before the event. The shows we perform have middle and upper school students, which brings more ages together, and all of the choir classes are together, which does not happen throughout the regular school day. The concerts cause a connection to our community that impacts everyday life for students.
Preparing for the show has served as a reminder for the past few years that winter break is near and the semester is almost over. Eleventh grader Hunter Pfromer shared her excitement by saying, “I am so happy that we get to perform with the middle schoolers because my younger brother has always attended my concerts, and now, finally, we are performing together.” Once again, showing the community spirit that is Flint Hill and this concert. 

These students have worked tirelessly to prepare for their performances and deserve to be recognized. However, none of it would be possible without the supportive teachers and directors who encourage students to love the arts while also pushing them to reach their most significant potential and learn. Teachers and performers often work outside of the school day to perfect the musical pieces, including during spare time throughout the day and evening rehearsals throughout the winter.  

Speaking of community, Flint Hill’s foundation of digital arts class works to create themed posters for concerts. Then, the signs are hung throughout the school to inform students about upcoming performances. Also, Students help with other components of the shows, like the accompanist, sound quality, and other aspects that bring together even more people from different parts of the fine arts program.

It is important to be unified as a school for the overall spirit and to help each student learn to communicate collaboratively and effectively, a valuable skill for the future. Make sure to check Flint hill’s social media for more information on upcoming concerts or concerts from the past weeks you can watch virtually to support our musical huskies!