Publicly Asking Someone to Hoco: is it a Yes or is it a No?

Junior Claire Wu asked another junior Natalie Nguyen to homecoming with an adorable stuffed-animal and sign!

By Grace Semko, Section Editor

Homecoming is hands down one of the most memorable dances of any student’s entire academic career, only a close second to prom. With the homecoming dance taking place just this past weekend, so many great festivities reemerged for the year. There is one particular tradition, however, that Huskies can be hesitant to participate in. That is the custom of students asking one another to homecoming, usually in a public or expressive manner. It can be very difficult for students to take the risk of asking someone to homecoming, especially in front of their friends and close peers. So what do the Flint Hill Huskies think of this tradition and what should you consider before partaking in it?


A group of sophomores offered what they thought of this phenomenon, and the majority found it to be really endearing. They were glad to see so many of their peers have fun with an iconic part of high school. One sophomore, Keira Stout, stated: “It’s cute! I like it because I’d like to be asked to homecoming.” Her friend, fellow sophomore Sofia Kazembe, agreed with Stout that it was cute in nature. Both agreed that they found homecoming askings to be incredibly fun to witness and hope they remain present in the weeks before homecoming in their junior and senior years..

While it is clear that a good majority of students would love to witness or even experience being asked to homecoming, sophomore Lia Griffith made an interesting point when it comes to these very public pop questions. She commented on the potential drawbacks of asking someone to homecoming in a not-so-private place like school: “If you’re doing it [asking someone] in public, they might be pressured to say yes, so make sure you really know the person and that they would want to go with you before asking.” Griffith is not opposed to the idea but also raises awareness among those who feel obligated to go with the people who ask them to homecoming in front of a large crowd.

All in all, if you or someone you know is considering asking someone to homecoming in the following years, find encouragement in the fact that it is a common tradition that has taken place for years but also remains cautious when it comes to choosing a place to ask someone to such a memorable event.